Marketing Checklist
Successfully marketing your home means much more than putting a for sale sign in your front yard. here are some pro tips for marketing to attract the most buyers
  • Place signs at major intersections leading buyers to your home (be sure to research local sign placement laws and regulations)
  • Place a large, prominent sign in your home’s front yard
  • Use signs that are bright, large, and durable. Information should be neatly printed and large enough to be read from a passing vehicle
  • Consider having your signs professionally produced
At the house :
  1. Create a brochure featuring an attractive photo of your home taken on a sunny day as well as the features your home has to offer (take the best quality photos possible for your marketing)
  2. Create a fact sheet listing recent updates and improvements
  3. Be sure to leave your appropriate property disclosure information for buyers along with your brochures
  4. Tell the story of why you love the house including the features you like best and benefits of living in the community or area
  5. Include photos of area amenities
Print Ads :
  1. Place ads in your local neighborhood, community, or city newspapers
  2. Place ads in local community flyers or bulletins & at your local schools, places of worship and shopping venues
  3. Create and mail postcards featuring your home and its features to your neighbors - with an invitation to your open house
Online :
  1. Advertise daily on as many websites and social media platforms as you can
  2. Create a website for your home. Include the website address and a QR code on all of your print advertising